1. How Can I Support the KAIP Education Foundation?
Your tax-deductible donation to the Korean American Institute of Princeton will help in providing programs
and support for the students, staff and schools in the Korean American Institute of Princeton (KAIP).
2. Mail-in donations
To donate to Korean American Institute of Princeton with a check,
please include your name, mailing address, telephone, e-mail address
and any other information you'd like to share with us.
Send via mail to:
KAIP, P.O. Box 7139, Princeton, NJ 08543
KAIP will send you an acknowledgment letter along with a Tax deductible (Tax I.D. 13-4275560)
charitable donation receipt, KAIP is an IRS-granted 501(c) (3) Tax-exempt organization.
(We kindly ask for your donation by December.)
We will send a donation receipt for tax exemption via email.
** Contact us at koreanprinceton@gmail.com